Long Lake Heights Strata Corporation 830

Terms of Reference for Capital Asset Replacement Planning Committee

Type of Committee:  Standing Committee.

Purpose of the Committee:

The purpose of the Capital Asset Replacement Planning Committee (CARPC) is to undertake the planning necessary for the anticipated replacement of current and future capital assets as needed to meet the functional infrastructure requirements of the Strata. In particular, the mandate relates to the transportation, sewage, water supply, electrical assets and storm drainage system requirements of the community.

Scope of the Committee:

Working principally with reference to the latest version of the Strata Corporation’s Depreciation Report, CARPC will:

  • Prepare an annual budget for the anticipated needs of the Committee including engineering studies, assistance from contractors, special input from the management company and meeting disbursements;
  • Identify and develop a running list of existing capital assets that are anticipated to require replacement within the next approximately 5 years;
  • Develop and/or refine cost estimates for the identified capital assets either in whole, or part of a phased replacement of the asset;
  • If engineering studies, external assistance or special input from the strata management company is required to develop a cost estimate, prepare terms of reference, seek quotes and commission such studies;
  • Present the findings to the Council as a whole for review and approval as part of the annual budgeting process; and
  • Assume the lead role in the process of selecting contractors for the approved replacement works.

It is beyond the scope of CARPC to look at non-capital asset items such as routine maintenance, salaries or to oversee capital asset construction works.


Working within the annually approved budget, CARPC has approval within the defined scope to satisfy the purpose of the Committee. This will include approval to commission the necessary engineering studies and secure external assistance to develop cost estimates for the identified replacement works.

CARPC is not authorized to commission capital asset replacement construction contracts or to engage in a single contract greater than $5,000 for external studies without the approval of Council. 


CARPC membership will include 5 to 7 persons, a minimum of three of whom shall be Strata Council members, including the chair of the Committee.

The chair shall be appointed on an annual basis by the Strata Council as a whole.   The Chair will be responsible for the selection of the remaining council members.

Volunteers will be selected from the Long Lake Heights community for the balance of the committee. All members will ideally have a background in engineering, construction, planning or financial management. 

In 2018, the membership from the Strata Council will include:

Carl Miller                                                          Chair

Domenico Iannidinardo                                 Vice-Chair

Dugan Hollett                                                   Member

Stephen McPhee                                             Member

The membership of the Committee will be identified in the Strata Council minutes.

Meeting Arrangements:

CARPC will meet regularly and not less than 6 times in a year at a place and time to be determined by the Chair within the confines of the approved budget.

Minutes of the meetings will be recorded and provided to the strata management company for periodic internal circulation to the Strata Council.


CARPC will report directly to the the Strata Council. 

Resources and Budget:

The Chair will develop and provide an annual budget for approval by the Strata Council for the anticipated resources necessary for the fiscal year. The budget will be approved as part of the normal Annual General Meeting. Special funds that may be identified as necessary during the course of the year will be approved by Strata Council.


The Chair will report on progress, spending and initiatives regularly to the Strata Council at normal strata council meetings.

A formal written report will be provided to the Strata Council in support of the annual budgeting process. This report will include supporting documents for recommended replacement works.


The Terms of reference for CARPC shall be reviewed on a three yearly cycle in conjunction with the updated Depreciation Report.

Long Lake Heights Strata Corporation 830

Terms of Reference(TOR) for the Grounds and Communication Committee

Type of Committee:  Standing Committee.

Purpose of the Committee:

The purpose of the Grounds and Communication Committee (GCC) is to undertake the planning necessary relating to:

  • the upkeep of all common areas as needed to meet and maintain the natural BC Beautiful aesthetic requirements of the Strata, in particular, the mandate relates to the general upkeep and enhancement of all common areas,
  • Create and maintain the Long Lake Heights Estates website providing homeowner with an update of ongoing activities, projects, special events, and topics of interest related to VIS 830 Long Lake Heights Estate; and  
  • at the direction of the Council, create sub-committees to implement Capital Asset Replacement Planning Committee (CARPC) recommendations.

Scope of the Committee:

The GCC will:

  • prepare an annual budget for the anticipated needs of the Committee including landscaping, seasonal cleanup, red bin service, maintenance of entrance signage and surrounding areas,
  • liaise and work directly with the management company and the caretaker to ensure necessary work is completed as contracted and in a timely manner,   
  • present the findings to the Council as a whole for review and approval as part of the annual budgeting process; and
  • at the direction of the Council, assume the lead role in making recommendations for approved projects based on aesthetics such as style, colour and design, and improve communication with home owners.

It is beyond the scope of the GCC to look at the anticipated replacement of current and future capital assets as needed to meet the functional infrastructure requirements of the Strata, salaries or to oversee capital asset construction works.


Working within the annually approved budget, GCC has approval within the defined scope to satisfy the purpose of the Committee. This will include approval to commission the necessary contracting services as required to meet the needs of the Strata.


GCC membership will include 3 to 5 persons, a minimum of one of whom shall be a Strata Council member and assume the role Chair of the Committee.

The Chair shall be appointed on an annual basis by the Strata Council as a whole. The Chair will be responsible for the selection of the remaining committee members.

Volunteers will be selected from the Long Lake Heights community for the balance of the committee.

In 2020/2021, the membership from the Strata Council will include:

Terrill MacDonald                                            Chair

Lianna Armstrong                                            Member

Rick Butzelaar.                                               Member

Ron Thompson    Member

The membership of the Committee will be identified in the Strata Council minutes.

Meeting Arrangements:

GCC will meet as required as determined by the Chair and the committee as a whole within the confines of the approved budget.

Minutes of the meetings will be recorded and provided to the strata management company for periodic internal circulation to the Strata Council.


GCC will report directly to the the Strata Council. 

Resources and Budget:

The Chair will develop and provide an annual budget for review and approval by the Strata Council for the anticipated expenditures necessary for the fiscal year. The budget will be noted as part of the normal Annual General Meeting. Special funds submitted as necessary during the course of the year will be approved by Strata Council.


The Chair will report regularly on progress, spending and initiatives to the Strata Council at normal strata council meetings.

A formal written report will be provided to the Strata Council in support of the annual budgeting process. This report will include supporting documents for recommended replacement works.


The Terms of Reference for the GCC shall be reviewed on a three-yearly cycle in conjunction with the updated Depreciation Report and any changing needs of the Strata.